10 Steps You Should Take to Prevent Your Skin From Aging


When it comes to retaining that fresh, youthful looking skin, we are often told that there is nothing we can do about the aging process our skin goes through. Although this is true in part, it does not mean that we are entirely out of control as there are steps we can take to prevent our skin from aging and slow down the process . As we age, our skin will show damage from natural wear-and-tear, but what we think of as the “natural aging process” like sunspots and drooping skin, is created by preventable factors. Instead, intrinsic aging or certain contributing factors are things like skin thinning, weakened skin areas, and genetic coding that causes the skin to age quicker. Typically speaking, women will notice changes in their skin starting anywhere between the ages of thirty to sixty, but even if you are within this age range already, it’s not too late to start treating your skin right.

Here are ten steps you should take to prevent your skin from aging


consistent and regular exercise is a proven way to not only live longer but keep your looking younger. When you sweat every single day, you open up your pores which release the toxins that are clogging your skin and prevents blemishes and breakouts. However, here are a couple things to note with this, and that’s 1) always make sure you turn down the hot water. Hot water drys out the skin and washes away essential oils that you need to keep your skin well nourished and 2) always shower immediately after a workout. If you leave sweat on the skin, it will clog up the pores causing breakouts or even worse, fungal acne. If you are unable to shower, splash your face with cool water.


if you aren’t doing anything to your skin at all other than washing it with your daily shower, then you definitely aren’t doing enough to protect your skin from premature aging. The first change you can make is washing your skin with the appropriate cleanser for your skin type, one that has a lower pH level, as this can help maintain optimal skin balance. Unfortunately, regular natural soaps have a very high pH level, which is harsh on the skin which drys it out, making lines and wrinkles more prominent and leaves it vulnerable to infection and irritation. Beyond cleansing, use a quality serum and moisturizer rich with anti-aging free radical fighters (aka antioxidants) such as vitamin C, E, and B3 and skin hydrators like hyaluronic acid. These ingredients help combat damage, boost collagen, encourage healing, and plump up the skin like the Vitamin C+ Serum.



Although these are seen as a “luxury treatment” for the skin, you really should be getting these done regularly. Not only do facials restore the youthful glow of the skin, they provide hydration, nourishment, and the removal of impurities. If you are specifically worried about the effects aging has on your skin, you can get anti-aging facials that can include modalities such as microcurrent, radio frequency, or collagen induction therapy.

As our skin ages, it doesn’t replenish new skin cells as quickly, so treatments that encourage cellular turnover are needed. Chemical exfoliants such as chemical peel are very effective at removing the accumulation of dead skin cells, which lead to stained skin and a dull, lifeless appearance. Chemical peels can help address hyperpigmentation, blemishes, and superficial scarring. They also help reduce the appearance of large pores.

During any series of anti-aging treatments, make sure you are regularly moisturizing as age causes your skin to have less sebum,(a natural occuring oil that keeps the skin moisturized). Keep in mind that when you apply anything to the surface, you want to pat it on rather than rub it or push it onto the skin, as these motions cause your skin to be more susceptible to sagging.


Any type of sun exposure, regardless of how long, will cause damage to your skin. Limit your sun exposure by avoiding the sun between 10 am and 3 pm, as this is when the UV rays are the strongest and most damaging. When you are exposed to the sun, make sure you apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing like hats. Other than this, refrain from sunbathing or tanning intentionally, as this causes direct damage to your skin cells and the main culprit for premature aging. If you get too much sun, you can get wrinkles, skin cancer, freckles, age spots, and discolorations.


This is one of the easiest ways that you can prevent damage to your skin. Wear sunscreen every single time you have any sun exposure, as exposure, no matter how little, causes progressive skin damage. You should be applying a sunscreen with an SPF 30+ for daily sun exposure. If you are planning on being out for long periods, say at the beach, you will want a stronger sunscreen. Just make sure to use a zinc based, physical sunscreen and avoid sunscreens that have a lot of chemicals in them as these are also damaging to your skin.


Getting enough rest is just as critical as eating a healthy diet and drinking enough water, as it allows your body to rejuvenate its systems. When someone doesn’t get enough sleep, you can see the tell-tale signs of the bags under the eyes. Beyond this, getting enough rest combats against levels of stress, which is known to cause wrinkles and fine lines. To keep your face looking young and fresh, be sure to get your beauty rest.


Ideally, we want to get most of our vitamins from the food we eat, but supplements are often needed. Vitamin A, C, D, E are just a few essential vitamins we need to keep our body and skin healthy, so it is nourished, vibrant, and youthful.



The food we eat can impact the health of our skin. The key here is eating a diet that is abundant in vitamins and minerals, as your skin needs these to maintain itself. If you eat a lot of junk food, your skin will not get the nourishment it needs and will, therefore, be more susceptible to damage. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and a little bit of meat, to ensure that your skin gets the proteins, vitamins, and minerals that it needs. For a boost of vitamins and nutrients, try adding superfood powders to your drinks, smoothies, and food.


Although this seems extremely common and distinct, but it can be hard to stay adequately hydrated. Not only does water help keep you hydrated, but it helps in replenishing your skin cells. When we are dehydrated, not only does it affect the function of our cells and organs, it accentuates lines and wrinkles.

If you want your skin to fight against aging and look young, make sure you are getting enough H20.


A lot of dermatologists recommend that women in their thirties should start using Retinoids, otherwise known as vitamin A. You don’t need to apply it every day, but a few times a week will help hamper the breakdown of collagen and boost new skin cell growth. You can get a prescription from your dermatologist or a cosmeceutical cream from your esthetician, just be sure to get a quality retinoid and use under the care of a professional.

In addition to the above, reduce any type of excessive alcohol drinking and coffee drinking as both of these can contribute to an unhealthy diet. If you smoke, definitely look into stopping as smoking is toxic, causes crow’s feet around the eyes, and decreases blood flow to the face. Now, if you already have the signs of premature skin aging, don’t despair as your skin can still benefit from the above lifestyle changes and even repair some of the damage already done.


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